Fundamental to Cornerstone programs and services is the belief that personal transformation requires more than just having one’s physical needs met. Attention must be given to a person’s “whole” being, including his or her emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical state. It is our belief that any program or service that neglects one’s moral and spiritual issues cannot offer long-term hope and life change. Programs and services at Cornerstone fall into three service areas: Relief, Recovery, and Restoration.
Relief- Emergency needs are met with free food, clothing, furniture, and medical services. Chaplains and volunteers are always available to offer spiritual and emotional support.
Recovery- On-going needs for all age groups – children, adults, and senior adults – are addressed through a wide of array of direct services including tutoring, college and career readiness services, rapid rehousing, and intensive case management services.
Restoration- Long-term development needs are addressed through mentoring programs, permanent supportive housing programs, and home-ownership opportunities.